Bangladesh Govt has taken ground breaking initiative to Development of National Strategy for Artificial Intellignce of Bangladesh.

HyperTAG Solutions Ltd and it’s AI arm desh.AI has awarded govt contract to development of National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence of Bangladesh.
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence of Bangladesh is the flagship inititiave by govorment. Bangladesh has turned from one of the world’s least developed countries into digitally developed nationally by 2021 has targetted to achieve $5billion revenue benchmark. Bangladesh has been classified as the next eleven emerging markets. Bangladesh is embracing artificial intelligence (AI) for the digitalization of the nation. It has set principal vision is to become “AI FOR INNOVATIVE BANGLADESH”. Whereas, India wants to become ‘Garage of AI’, Malta wants to be ‘Launchpad of AI’ Germany’s vision is ‘AI Made in Germany’, Italy ‘AI at the Service of Citizen’. Since its inception, Digital Bangladesh has become front runner & role model for under developing countries, we can play the leadership role harnessing the 4IR & AI revolutions. In this strategic paper, we’re significantly addressing the ‘Job Filled Economic Growth’ & SDGs Goal. Initially, We’ve identified 8 main strategic pillars for Bangladesh AI future.

The exciting story of the transformation of Digital Bangladesh has placed them into a leadership role for hundreds of under developing countries.According to the IMF, Bangladesh’s economy is the second fastest growing major economy of 2016, with a rate of 7.1%.
There are 22 countries out of the world who already released their National AI Strategy. Canada is the first country to release National AI Strategy. Some countries are planning and some are going to release their National AI Strategy. Apparently, Bangladesh is the first developing country which has taken initiative to make National AI Strategy and going to release very soon. We, is felt proud to be a part of this enormous journey. along with the Bangladesh govt. have already done the policy draft. Bangladesh govt. will release its first National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence of Bangladesh plan ASAP.