Why PayON?
PayON Offers
EMI Payment, Credit Card Payment, School fee payment, Remittance pick up, mobile top-up recharge and notification platform.
PayON Admin
features include credit scheme, credit profile, credit operation, and fee calculation and auto charging.
PayOn Security
has server level, application level, and network-level security.
PayON Wallet
can access from any areas within the country through SMS+mobile data, from abroad only through the internet, where cellular phones have reached, network works, mobile data works and SIMs are available.
PayON Customer
features are credit inquiry, merchant payment, top-up/recharge card, and cash advance.
PayON Extra
features are request, payment, fund transfer, and notification & alerts. Some additional features like merchant management with maps, promotion management center, manage blacklisted number, and credit module management, configuration & set up.